Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How do i lose fat from my glutes?

Im a 19 year old male and its kind of embarrassing for me to have fat on my glutes, and the rest of my body theres hardly any fat. I walk to work everyday about a mile away and im trying to watch what i eat but sometimes i slip because i have nothing else to eat and i just eat whatever my mother buys. I eat beef jerky everyday at work and that's it at work. I do sit ups everyday, push ups with weights, glute exercises as-well but it seems like the rest of my body is in decent shape but all the fat seems to go to my glutes and thighs and i hate that. I do jump-ropes on days im off but it still seems like im getting no where. Theres no fat on my arms, no fat on my calf's and a little fat on my stomach but most fat seems to go to my *** and thighs and i cant seem to make it go away. This is so annoying and im becoming self conscious about it and it makes me feel uncomfortable because i know my associates and others notice as-well. Its really really bothering me, i think i need a meal plan or something.

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