Friday, August 12, 2011

How would I go about getting a six pack, may need to lose a bit of body fat first, how could I do this?

I'm 14 years young, almost 15. I haven't been able to weigh myself or measure my height as if I tried to measure myself, my mum would be like "wha?!" or something. I can't weigh myself as the scales are broken so we no longer have any. I'd like a six pack because one of my close friends does, somehow, he eats like a pig. Also there's this other kid, which all the girls think he's fit because he's got a six pack, but his family his nuts. Anyway, I don't want all the girls to be all like OMG at me, I just like to be known as 'The emo kid with the six pack' (I use that term lightly, and I'm not emo, I'm more Scene). But first I might need to lose a bit of body fat, although I'm not sure if it's just puffy fat, baby fat or whatever you'd like to call it, as I'm still young and growing and what not. Sorry about the life story, but thanks for ready this (if you do)! So how would I go about getting a six pack?

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